Tuesday, March 20, 2012

[Reel Pizza] update March 23 - 29

Hi Everyone.....Happy Equinox.....this is some kindof spring!  WOW. 

Here is the schedule for Reel Pizza for this coming week.

See you soon!  -Lisa

The Senior matinee on Thursday (3/22)  is THE GREY at 1:30.

We have a special "live" program happening right here on Monday 3/26 at 6:00.  We will be welcoming Commodore Gilgamesh and friends of  EVERYTHING IS TERRIBLE! a video collective who make movies by clipping bits of other films together.  The program they are taking on tour is DOGGIE WOGGIEZ! POOCHIE WOOCHIEZ!, which, as you might gather, is an all-canine-inspired take on a 1973 film THE HOLY MOUNTAIN.  This is something completely offbeat and sounds like big time fun!  So come on down for a totally different take on Monday.  Tickets for this event are $8, and no big tickets for this. There will be an article about EIT! in this week's MDIslander (I think!).  WOOF! 

Also we have a worthy Fundraising event on Sunday 3/25.  The MDIHS class of 2012 is hosting a benefit with proceeds going towards their Project Graduation, which provides a safe and fun outlet to celebrate their accomplishments after the commencement.  There will be two films showing (one is an animated show about a crotchety old man who travels with a pesky boyscout to South America by house balloon after his wife dies (PG); the other is a comedy about a night out between a man and his wife that does not go at all according to his plan (PG-13)  Both films (@ $6) start at 1:30pm.  They are also selling tickets for an I Pad raffle; the winner will be drawn after the screenings. 

Fri - Thurs 3/23 - 3/29  THE LORAX  (PG)  94min  5:30 and 7:30

Fri - Mon 3/23 - 3/26   THE WOMAN IN BLACK (PG-13)  96min  6:00* and 8:00
* there will be no early show on Monday to accommodate the special programming, THERE WILL BE A LATER SHOW.

Tues - Thurs 3/27 - 3/29  MELANCHOLIA (R) 135min  5:45 and 8:30


Fri - Thurs Mar 23 - 29
THE LORAX (PG) 94min
in 2D  This adaptation of Dr. Seuss’ classic tale, directed by Chris Renaud (Despicable Me), features vibrant animation in service of a (still!) timely ecological message of environmental conservation.  A young man (Zac Ephron) seeks to win the attention of a lovely girl (Taylor Swift); she wants to see a tree, all of which have been cut down in the service of creating consumer products.  Only the reclusive Once-ler (Ed Helms) knows the truth about the trees’ disappearance. 

Fri - Mon Mar 23 - 26  
WOMAN IN BLACK (PG-13)  96min
Daniel Radcliffe moves on from Harry Potter in this spooky, quite thrilling (but not gory) ghost story.   Based on the 1982 novel by Susan Hill, he stars as Arthur Kipps, a young attorney still grieving from the death during childbirth of his beloved wife four years earlier.  His boss has given him an ultimatum:  pull it together or prepare to grieve for your job.  He is given the task of sorting through the paperwork of a deceased woman in a remote village whose decrepit home is isolated at the edge of a marsh; the locals tell him to return to his home as soon as he arrives, but he is determined to settle the estate no matter the tragic secrets he uncovers.

Tues - Thurs  Mar 27 -29    
MELANCHOLIA  (R)  135min
Provocative Danish director Lars von Trier has made a demanding, extraordinary, haunting, sumptuous tale of two sisters, depressed Justine (Cannes winner Kirsten Dunst) who has just married Alexander Skarsgård in a lavish wedding, and her older sister, calm sensitive Claire (Charlotte Gainsbourg) with a wealthy husband (Keifer Sutherland) who spends the reception party trying to hold her sister together.  The bride’s bickering divorced parents, her pushy boss, and her state of mind threaten her marriage nearly before it begins.  Weeks later, as another planet comes hurdling toward Earth, she seems oddly better prepared than her sister for the apocalypse.


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