Saturday, September 11, 2010

[Reel Pizza] update FILM FESTIVAL Schedule

This didn't seem to get through the first time, too big? so I will send it in's the text, then I will send the pdfs.

hi everyone

Now that the program booklet is at the printer, I can catch up on all the details I have neglected.

Have you heard that Reel Pizza is hosting a film festival here next weekend?  We are thrilled to be able to present Year Two of MIFF by-the-Sea, a selection of films from this summer's Maine International Film Festival held every July in Waterville. 
I have oodles of information about it, so read carefully!

First of all, I have attached a pdf of the schedule-at-a-glance brochure that was mailed to everyone on our snail-mail list.
Hopefully they have been, or are being, delivered by our friends at the post office. 
It is a two sided, letter-sized sheet, if you want to print it out.

Also, I have attached a one page pdf with the descriptions of all our films, with the times of the screenings and when guest speakers will attend.
You can find  this same information plus expanded descriptions on our website.  Under "Coming Soon" each film has its own listing.

I should mention that this year's edition of MIFF by-the-Sea is the inaugural event for the FIRST LIGHT FILM SOCIETY, a new non-profit group created by Chris, Colin and Lisa which will allow us to bring a wider variety of film events to MDI.  You all know we play a good number of alternative and unknown films, but there are lots more out there which we think our audience will appreciate that require fundraising to be able to present.  Did any of you catch the outdoor screening in the Village Green for the Dark Skies weekend that Chris projected last night?  Outdoor movies are just one of many ideas that we have been wanting to do for years;  hopefully under this umbrella we will be able to do many more fun events.

We are delighted that we will have many filmmakers attending this year's festival; this is a group who are always glad to talk about their work, and we know our patrons will be an appreciative audience.  We are especially excited to be able to honor this year's MIFF Mid-Life Achievement Award recipient, screenwriter Jay Cocks who has graciously offered to introduce his 1993 film THE AGE OF INNOCENCE at a Fri 5:45pm screening, and take questions afterwards.  He is a good friend of both MIFF and Reel Pizza and film in general.  Also presenting over the weekend will be COA faculty Nancy Andrews with a sneak peak of her new film BEHIND THE EYES ARE THE EARS; recent COA graduates Sinda Karklina with her short film PARADE, and Portland resident David Camlin with two of his recent studies in THE PROCESS REVEALED; Cami Carter, the director of Operation Breaking Stereotypes, will bring several of the local students featured in the film WELCOME TO MY WORLD; Bowdoin professor Jane Knox-Voina and interpreter Carol Lord who produced the Kazakh-Kyrgyz double-feature CATTLE CAMP and BUTTER; artist and water rights activist Krisanne Baker with her short film UPSTREAM TO DOWNSTREAM, historian and archivist Andrew Jawitz and Alyce Ornella, of Rockhouse Mountain Productions with their film THE EVENTFUL LIFE OF AL HAWKES, and all the way from sunny California, USC professor Amanda Pope who will discuss the Russian art in THE DESERT OF FORBIDDEN ART.  It is an honor and a pleasure to have so many distinguished guests come to our humble cinema. 

Don't forget there will be a special "film-festival edition" of IMPROVISION on Friday night.  It sure to be a good one!

On Friday afternoon from 4-6pm, we will have an catered opening reception out in the parking lot under the big tent.  Guitarist Bob Bowman will provide musical accompaniment to delectable hors d'oeuvres from Sassafrass Catering, and beverages from Atlantic Brewing Company, Bar Harbor Cellars, and Old Soaker Sodas.  It will be a chance to meet with some of the business folks who have supported the festival, and some of the filmmakers who will be presenting their work over the weekend.  We hope you will be able to join us!

On Monday evening after the end of the last film, around 10pm, the Lompoc Cafe just down the street will host a Closing Party.  Chris and Colin will have a reel of unique and diverse short films for the enjoyment of the assembled. 

Tickets for all these events are available NOW at the Reel Pizza box office.  We accept cash or local check.  Credit cards may also be used, and you can do that also by phone; a small surcharge will apply.  All films screenings are $8; the Opening Night Celebration is $15. 

We have such a great community who support the arts in so many ways.  BIG THANKS go out to to everyone who has helped us get this weekend together!  Especially The First Bank and the Atlantic Brewing Company, our major sponsors, also our great staff at Reel Pizza, Shannon Haines and Ken Eisen at MIFF, Aaron Steiner at Thinman Designs, DeWayne Larsen at the Ellsworth American print shop, Charlie, Joe and Sheila at DownEast Graphics, Chuck Henderson at Tidal Graphics, Jake at Wallace Tent, Tom Mortimer at Atlantic Brewing Co., JR Sandin, Amanda Kendall of Sassafrass Catering, Laurie Schrieber at the Bar Harbor Times, Rob Levin at Mount Desert Islander, the YWCA, Jeff Dobbs, Chris Fogg, Jeff Erickson, Joan Bromage, Bob Bowman, and in alphabetical order our business sponsors, A&B Market, the ABBE Museum, Acadia Publishing, the Bar Harbor Chamber of Commerce, Cafe Bluefish, Cafe This Way, Carmen Verandah, the Dog & Pony, Eden Rising, First Express, Gringos, Havana, ImprovAcadia, Kozak Stonework, Lompoc Cafe, Maine Film Center, Mainely Meat BBQ, Morning Glory Bakery, Mother's Kitchen, Mount Desert Islander, Opera House Internet Cafe, Our New England, Rupununi, Salsbury Organic Farm Center, Sassafrass Catering, Siam Orchid, Side Street Cafe, Spruce and Gussy and Window Panes.  I'm sure there is more; we appreciate and thank you all.

We are looking forward to an exciting weekend full of film events and hope to see you here.

-Lisa, Chirs, and Colin

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