Monday, August 31, 2009

[Reel Pizza] MIFF by-the-sea

hi everyone
Happy Monday

This is the final schedule for MIFF by-the-Sea, coming to Reel Pizza over
the weekend of Sept 11 - 14, 2009. We are all excited, and hopefully once
you have had a chance to check out all the wonderful films we have coming,
you will be equally excited.

I am attaching a pdf of the schedule-at-a-glance which the paper
subscribers will be receiving with their mailed schedule heading out
today. This email also includes descriptions of all every film we are
screening for your perusal and edification.

Once you have figured out which film(s) you want to see and when, we
recommend that you buy your tickets early to avoid disappointment. It is
a rare time when you can get advance tickets at Reel Pizza; we hope you
will take advantage of it.

All tickets at $8 each are available now for purchase for this special
weekend. In addition to our regular cash or check options for tickets, we
will also take credit cards (especially useful for phone orders), which
will incur a small convenience fee.

The printer expects to have the full program booklets to us by Tuesday, so
feel free to stop by and pick one up after that.

Your new Reel Pizza schedule will be coming in a little while, and the
films and times for this coming weekend shortly after that.

Here, in no particular order, are the MIFF films we will be screening,
plus a few others. An " * " means that an honored guest associated with
the film will be attending the screening. Please acknowledge your
appreciation to the film sponsors of their support.

Back with you soon with more Reel Pizza news

The Rivals USA 2009 91min Director: Kirk Wolfinger Sponsored by
CARMEN VERANDAH Fri 6:30, Sun 2:00*
Could there be any more different Maine towns than Rumford and Cape
Elizabeth? Rumford is a working class town in the western mountains, where
the paper mill is one of the region's primary employers. Cape Elizabeth is
an affluent Portland suburb, nestled in the lap of the sea and of luxury.
But when Cape Elizabeth, which had had no tradition of high school
football at all, starts a team and finds a coach who turns it from a
doormat to an undefeated championship contender in just a few years, a
rivalry is born with perennial powerhouse Rumford, a rivalry whose roots
go far beyond what happens between the goal posts. The two football teams
and their charismatic coaches, find themselves, as if in a story book
script, heading towards undefeated seasons—with only the other standing in
the way. The Rivals is a hugely entertaining, remarkably perceptive and
yes, downright nail-biting true story. It's not just a film about Maine;
it's a film virtually entirely by people who currently live in the State.
Every camera person, sound person, and PA who worked the shoots is from
Maine. The editing team is comprised of Mainers. The music, with the
exception of one song, is done by musicians from Maine. Several bands and
musicians contributed existing pieces or composed music for the film for
nothing or next to nothing. The sound design and mixing was done in
Portland. This is a 99% Made in Maine film. None of that would be as
important as it is if The Rivals weren't simply a terrific film, no matter
what its origin.

The Necessities of Life **Audience Favorite Award Winner** Canada
2008 103min [in French and Inuktitut with subtitles]
Director: Benoit Pilon Sponsored by EDEN RISING Fri 6:00, Sun 8:00, Mon
Winner of 4 Genies (the Canadian Oscar equivalent) including Best Actor,
Director and Screenplay and 3 Jutras (the Québécois Oscar equivalent)
including Best Film, The Necessities of Life is a finely observed and
beautifully filmed story of cross-cultural connection set during the
tuberculosis epidemic that broke out in the Inuit population of far
northern Canada in the 1940s and '50s. Natar Ungalaaq of The Fast Runner
stars as a stricken man, diagnosed with TB when a medical boat docks
during the brief summer in which his Baffin Island home is accessible to
the outside world. Three months' passage later, he lands in Quebec City,
where everything seems alien—even the myriad trees that obstruct clear
views unlike the stark, wide-open vistas of home. While no one here speaks
Inuktitut, Tivii does grasp that his treatment is expected to last as long
as two years. Despairing, he's nonetheless somewhat buoyed by the warm
concern of fellow patient Joseph and nurse Carole. His outlook improves
when she orchestrates the hospital transfer of Kaki, a similarly afflicted
orphan who's been away from his native culture for many months. That's
time enough to have learned French, so he can act as Tivii's translator,
while the latter takes a fatherly interest in stoking the child's lapsed
knowledge of traditional Inuk customs and myths.

Automorphosis USA 2008 77min Director, Producer: Harrod Blank
Sponsored by LOMPOC CAFÉ Sat 8:15, Sun 4:15
What if you could morph your car into a mobile work of art, and drive it
down the road for all to see? What would it look like? In his wild wheeled
new film Automorphosis, Harrod Blank wows us with some of the most amazing
cars—and most amazing art—you've ever seen. An interactive Art Car that
was inspired by an actual dream, the Camera Van has the ability to capture
the amazed reactions of people who see it for the first time. While Blank
had previously sought to document onlookers' honest responses to Art Cars,
he was unable to record their candid reactions since he could not get
close enough without revealing his camera. The solution that appeared in
his dream was to affix a large enough quantity of cameras to his car that
no one would know which ones, if any, worked. Of the 2,500 cameras mounted
to the van, six are functional Canons that shoot print film, and two are
operational video cameras that transmit live images to the giant
"filmstrip" composed of four TV monitors on the passenger side of the
vehicle. Other cars and their creators in the jaw-dropping Automorphosis
include world renowned spoon bender Uri Geller and his
fork-and-spoon-covered "Peace Car"; Howard Davis's "Telephone Car" an
obsession-driven telephone collection; and Leonard Knight, a religious
folk artist who's painted his vehicles as well as most of an entire
mountain in the desert as a testament to his faith. Weaving his own tale
amidst the others, Blank, as narrator, is the glue that binds these
vibrant portraits. The personalization of the car into wild mobile art may
be the ultimate personification of uniquely American creativity.

Bonne Année Costa Rica 2008 105min Director: Alexander Berberich
Sponsored by GRINGOS Sat 8:30, Mon 5:30
Bonne Année takes place during the course of one fateful night in an
unnamed Latin American city. It is New Year's Eve, and two hit men, one
American, one French, ponder the night and their lives in this stylish and
unconventional thriller. The film begins with the end of the evening's
story, then retraces the events that lead there in a series of beautifully
composed, continuous "long take" shots averaging 10 minutes each. This
technique, pioneered by Alfred Hitchcock in Rope but almost never used
since, is stunningly effective. Bonne Année is the first film by
Alexander Berberich and features an assured and radiant performance from
Karen Young, who's dazzled as a leading lady in a range of great films
from the international (Laurent Cantet's Heading South) to the American
independent (Tom Noonan's The Wife) to the Hollywood (Daybreak, Heat) to
upper case TV series ("The Sopranos," in which she appeared regularly as
Agent Robyn Sanseverino).

The Language of America USA 2009 90min [partly in various Native
languages with subtitles] Director, Producer: Ben Levine Sponsored by
ABBE MUSEUM Sat 4:15*, Sun 6:00
Once lost, how can a language, an invaluable treasure, be revived? Ben
Levine, whose Reveil: Waking Up French looked at the French language here
in Maine, goes deeper in the world premiere of his new film, made with the
Wampanoag, and Narragansett Tribes of New England, and in particular with
Maine's own Passamaquoddy, who have carefully tended their language to
keep it alive. All are native cultures and languages that have been
severely threatened by the culture of the relative newcomers to this
hemisphere. The Language of America, a project many years in the making,
takes us to places we've never been, in words we've never before heard.

Li Tong China 2009 75min [in Mandarin with subtitles] Director:
Nian Liu Sponsored by CAFÉ BLUEFISH Sat 7:00, Sun 2:15
A children's story for all ages follows a little girl's journey home
through the old and new streets of a changing Beijing. Shot in a realistic
style and from young Li Tong's perspective, we see a big, wonderful and
slightly overwhelming world, and the ease and sensitivity of director Nian
Liu enable us to be right there in it with her. This is the China of
today, revealed in a way that's both startlingly real and truly magical.
Li Tong reveals a city and its people in the eyes of a lost, curious and
very resilient child.

Pachamama Bolivia/Japan/USA 2008 104min [in Quechura (Spanish &
Aimara) with subtitles] Director, Producer, Screenplay: Toshifumi
Matsushita Sponsored by CARMEN VERANDAH Sat 6:15, Sun 8:30
In Bolivia, 13 year old Kunturi for the first time accompanies his father
as he leads a traditional, colorfully outfitted llama caravan along the
ancient "ruta de la sal" (salt route). The journey begins at their home on
the salt plains where the blocks of salt are harvested and leads to the
increasingly remote villages of the Andes where the grateful villagers
barter corn and pumpkins for the essential salt and ends with the Tinku
Festival where Kunturi meets his future wife. Pachamama has been correctly
compared to Latcho Drom and Postmen in the Mountains: all three could be
called ethnographic road movies with big hearts and eyes for beauty.
"Named after the Queeha earth goddess, the pic portrays a vanishing way of
life yet emerges as a delightful celebration of it." Variety.

Shooting Beauty USA 2008 62min Director: George Kachadorian
Sponsored by OPERA HOUSE INTERNET CAFÉ Sat 4:45, Sun 6:15*
Already the winner of Audience Awards from two film festivals, Emmy
nominated filmmaker and Durham resident, George Kachadorian's documentary
film tells the story of aspiring fashion photographer Courtney Bent, whose
career takes an unexpected turn when she discovers a hidden world of
beauty at a center for people living with significant cerebral palsy and
other disabilities. Courtney overcomes her own reservations and begins
inventing accessible cameras for her new friends to take pictures of their
world. Ernest 'EJ' James learns to snap photos with his tongue while
dodging Boston traffic. Tom Herrick, who spent the first 18 years of his
life confined to his bedroom, completely changes his self-concept-—he
ceases to be a person with a handicap and becomes a person with a camera.
Mary Jo Chaisson may be the most infectious, joyful character ever
captured on film. And Tony Knight, a handsome, well spoken Jamaican native
uses his photography to 'start the conversation' with a public afraid to
approach him. The group's efforts snowball into an award winning
photography program called "Picture This"—and become the backdrop for this
eye-opening story about romance, daring, loss and laughter that will
change what you thought you knew about living with a disability—and
without one.

Showing With: I Am a Man: From Memphis, a Lesson In Life USA 2008 27
minutes Director Jonathan Epstein
In 1968, thousands of African-American men marched through the streets of
Memphis, demanding overdue respect with signs reading 'I Am a Man.' In the
long shadow of the slaying of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the stories of
the average men and women who made one of the civil rights movement's most
pivotal, historic stands have been overlooked. Surrounded by the unique
soul music that helped make Memphis world famous, I Am a Man inspiringly
follows Elmore Nickleberry — one of the original 1968 protesters — who, at
77, is continuing to drive his trash truck through the streets of downtown

ME Short Films Sponsored by CAFÉ THIS WAY Fri 8:15*, Sat 2:00, Mon
8:00 This selection of newly-minted Maine-made shorts covers topics that
are quintessential, from lobster to maple sugaring, from summer cabins to
Katahdin. Like being here, only way more filmic!

Life by Lobster* USA 2009 60min Director: Iain McCray Martin
Contrasting the stark beauty of the Downeast Maine seacoast with the stark
reality of earning a living there, Life by Lobster, a new hour-long
documentary by 22-year-old independent filmmaker Iain McCray Martin, a
native of Deer Isle, takes you inside the lives of five young lobster
fishermen determined to pursue this proud traditional vocation against
steadily mounting obstacles.

Once More to the Cabin USA 2009 28min Directors: Jim Isler, Tom
Isler A 93-year-old widow returns to the cabin in Boothbay Harbor where
she first fell in love in an attempt to say good-bye to her late husband
in a film lovingly made by her grandsons.

Road to Katahdin USA 2009 9min Director: Georg Koszulinski
A wonderfully personal essay on climbing our most famous peak, from Georg
Koszulinski, whose Dead Buffalo was also in this year's festival, and
whose Immokalee U.S.A. was a highlight of last year's.

The Music of the Sugarbush USA 2007 16min Director: Nelson Cole
Filmed at a Skowhegan sugarhouse, The Music of the Sugarbush takes us into
the world of maple sugaring as co-owner Iver Lofving shares his thoughts
about the continuation of an old tradition.

Silence Before Bach Spain 2008 102min [in Spanish and German with
subtitles] Director, Producer Pere Poratbella Sponsored by MOUNT DESERT
ISLAND ICE CREAM Fri 8:30, Sun 4:00
The long-awaited new film from former Buñuel producer and visionary
director Pere Portabella, one of the world's most distinctive and original
film voices, "The Silence Before Bach" is a true wonder. "Bach's music is
the only thing that reminds us the world is not a failure," says a
character in the film. Portabella, taking Bach's music as a theme and a
starting place, but taking it on the road, both literally (two Spanish
truckdrivers discuss its fine points; a group of several dozen young
cellists play rapturous Bach on a subway car they appear to have taken
over) and otherwise (as Portabella recreates the composer's life—sort of;
the film opens with a player piano moving of seemingly its own accord
through a bare art gallery, really dancing a pas de deux with Portabella's
camera.) The music is as glorious as the cinematic art; and the film's
meanings are open and perhaps even profound.

Ghost Bird USA 2009 85min Director, Producer: Scott Crocker
Sponsored by RUPUNUNI Sat 2:15. Mon 6:00
The true story of an extinct giant woodpecker features a small town In
Arkansas hoping to reverse its misfortunes, and the tireless odyssey of
bird-watchers and scientists searching for the Holy Grail of birds, the
elusive Ivory-billed woodpecker. Although considered extinct 60 years ago,
bird watchers refused to accept its passing. Then, scientists from Cornell
announced that it had been found…but had it? Scott Crocker's new
documentary was hailed in its recent World Premiere at Hot Docs as "comic,
mesmerizing and deeply poignant. This investigative doc is reminiscent of
the work of Errol Morris in the way it casts a spell while telling a story
and building a case" (Maclean's).

On a Phantom Limb USA Director: Nancy Andrews Sat 10:30*
Frequently featured at MIFF, director Nancy Andrews combines live action,
documentary, puppetry and animation to tell her stories. "On a Phantom
Limb," from this year's MIFF, features a cyborg: a woman/bird creature
that sometimes whimsically and sometimes disturbingly conveys the human
encounter with mortality. As one viewer wrote, this "cyborg heroine is a
metaphor for the postmodern condition, fragmented, reconstructed, hybrid,
virtual, part history/part future." Andrews is a faculty member at
College of the Atlantic and her films have been presented by the Museum of
Modern Art, Pacific Film Archive, Gene Siskel Film Center, and Ann Arbor
Film Festival, among others; and are in the film collections of the School
of the Art Institute of Chicago and the Museum of Modern Art. She has been
the recipient of grants and fellowships from The LEF Foundation, The
Illinois State Arts Council, The Franklin Furnace Fund for Performance Art
(supported by the Jerome Foundation and New York State Council on the
Arts), and National Endowment for the Arts. She is a current Guggenheim
Fellow; On a Phantom Limb was created during her Guggenheim Fellowship.

sabretooth I USA Director: Colin Capers Sat 10:30*
"sabertooth I" is a flowing work of linked and deeply layered images that
are frequently quite familiar, yet remain hard to define – much like a
dream whose narrative eludes us. Fleeting images of fields, a person, a
baby, surgery pass by, and then the images get lost in director Colin
Capers' meticulous, deeply artistic manipulations. Each frame contains as
many as eighty layers of video and audio. The result, combined with an
ethereal score, is a sensory experience that echoes the way thoughts,
visions, ideas and memory get layered and lost within our own minds. This
is not a MIFF film, but was featured at the Maine Film Center's newest
initiative – this spring's Lumina Festival, held in partnership with the
American Film Institute's Project 20/20 – where Capers won the emerging
filmmaker award.

48-Hour Music Festival Movie USA filmmaker David Camlin Fri 10:30* In
the midst of February's frigid grip on Maine, twenty-eight musicians
agreed to be randomly placed into six new bands. Portland's first 48-hour
music festival brings old friends, casual acquaintances and total
strangers in from the cold to begin composing a twenty-five minute set two
days before the scheduled performance. Following the progress of each
band in the festival as they compose and rehearse, The 48-Hour Music
Festival Movie brings you into unassuming buildings and behind the closed
doors of hidden practice spaces as a witness to the creative process of
developing a band. Both fans and practitioners of music will find this
collective among peers to be one of Portland's affective events in the
continuing evolution of its solid music scene. The 48-Hour Music Festival
Movie is not a MIFF film, but a Reel Pizza late-night special event
directed by recent COA alumnus Dave Camlin, winner of the Portland Phoenix
Short Film Award-winning "Smelt Fishing in America."

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

[Reel Pizza] update Aug 28 - Sept 3

Good Tuesday everyone

So, I've got some good news and some bad news.

The bad news is that the distributor of Julie Julia is playing games with
us; we were unable to secure a print again this week, but I think it will
be available to us in the next week or two. The delay surely hasn't been
for lack of trying. You've waited this long, please be patient as it
won't be but just a bit longer.

The good news is that we have a wonderful new movie starting this Friday
that will be a perfect end of summer (no, it cannot be true!!) film that
your entire family should enjoy. Everyone at our house, even the company
(including kids, adults, and teens) is excited. Read all about it below.

We will have another sure to be wild installment of ImproVision this
coming Sunday night, August 30th, at 11pm. If you haven't checked out
this wacky collaboration between Chris's grade B movie collection,
screened without sound, and the talented ImprovAcadia troupe who provide
their own dialog, sound effects and music, you should try to stay up late
for it. It's a blast.

The farmers market continues on Wednesday mornings. The local farmers
have had a tough summer, with all the rain in June and July, but they now
have loads of veggies, flowers, fruits, cheeses, meats. Come support
Maine grown food and our local farmers and get some delicious, nutritious
treats at the same time.

More news and the schedule of the "MIFF By-the-Sea" Film Festival coming

See you soon!
-Lisa and Chris

Fri 8/28 - Thurs 9/3 PONYO (G) 5:30 & 7:45
Fri 8/28 - Mon 8/31 CHÉRI (R) 6:00 & 8:00
Tues 9/1 - Thurs 9/3 SÉRAPHINE (NR) 6:00 & 8:30

Friday August 28 - Thursday September 3
PONYO (G) 100min 5:30 and 7:45
One of the absolute favorite filmmakers of everyone in our entire house,
the inimitable, Academy Award winning animation artist Hayao Miyazaki
(Spirited Away, My Neighbor Totoro) has created yet another masterpiece,
an environmentally themed story based loosely on Hans Christian Andersen's
The Little Mermaid. Ponyo (voiced by Miley's little sister Noah Cyrus) is
a magic goldfish with a half-human sea-wizard father who desperately wants
to be a little girl. The consequences of her actions when she falls in
love with a little boy Sosuke (young Frankie "Bonus" Jonas) throw the
Earth out of balance and they must work to set things right. An all-star
vocal cast supporting the work of this world-renowned master includes Matt
Damon, Liam Neeson, Tina Fey, Cloris Leachman, Betty White and Lily
Tomlin. This charming and captivating fable is suitable for everyone, no
matter how old.

Fri Aug 28 - Mon Aug 31
CHÉRI (R) 92min 6:00 and 8:00
Director Stephen Frears (The Queen, High Fidelity), screenwriter
Christopher Hampton and actress Michelle Pfeiffer, previous collaborators
on Dangerous Liaisons, reunite for this deliciously lush and amusingly
witty romantic period drama. Based on a pair of novels by French author
Colette and set in the luxuriousness of pre-WWI Paris, it is the story of
the unsuspected romance between Léa, a beautiful, retired courtesan
(Pfeiffer) and the son of her arch rival (Kathy Bates), the brooding and
naïve young man Chéri (Rupert Friend. After they have been together six
years, his mother secretly arranges a marriage for him to a young innocent
girl (Felicity Jones). As the inevitable moment of parting approaches,
these two lovers come to terms with their imminent separation in
unexpected ways.

Tues Sept 1 - Thurs Sept 3
SÉRAPHINE (NR) 125min [in FRENCH with English subtitles] 6:00 and 8:30
Winner of seven French César awards, including best picture and actress,
this remarkable biographical film magically reveals the fine line between
artistic genius and madness. Yolande Moreau (When the Sea Rises) is
captivating as a poor, simple and eccentric housekeeper who toils without
appreciation by day; her free time is spent collecting materials to make
colors, and painting vibrantly intense pictures she believes have been
requested by guardian angels. When her work is discovered by Wilhelm Uhde
(Ulrich Tukur, The Lives of Others) a German art collector who was the
first to buy works by Picasso and Henri Rousseau, a moving and unexpected
relationship develops between the avant-garde dealer and the untrained,
visionary maid. Director Martin Provost's poignant and evocative portrait
of this forgotten painter is a testament to creativity and the resilience
of one woman's spirit.


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Friday, August 21, 2009

[Reel Pizza] MIFF by-the-sea

Greetings everyone

I want to let you know about an exciting project we have been working on
this summer that is finally arranged enough to make public. We are
undeniably proud to announce that Reel Pizza will be hosting a four-day
"best of" selection of films from this year's Maine International Film
Festival, a ten-day program that has been running for the past twelve
years at Railroad Square Cinema in Waterville during July, and which is a
project of the non-profit Maine Film Center.

Most of you know that Reel Pizza's film program is unique because, for
most of the year, we bring many lesser known films to the area that are
not supported by a major studio and its associated massive marketing
budget. Bringing this film festival to town is no exception, except that
most of these films have not yet been lucky enough to garner a
distribution deal, no matter how deserving. This is an exceptional
opportunity and may be your only chance to see most of these films.

MIFF By-the-Sea, as we are calling our incarnation, will be held at Reel
Pizza over the weekend of September 11 - 14th. We will be screening over
a dozen films of a wide-ranging diversity that we hope will appeal to a
broad audience. There will be a selection of Maine films, foreign films
and documentaries, as well as the Audience Favorite Award Winner, from
which to choose. All films will be screened at least twice over the

We will also be featuring a number of Q&A sessions with some of the
filmmakers. Additionally there will be other special events over the
weekend, including family-friendly matinees, fun late nights, and an
Opening Night Celebration from 4pm to 6pm in front of the theatre
featuring delicious savory treats by Sassafrass Catering and beverages
from Atlantic Brewing Company (who I will mention is our major sponsor;
cue wild applause!) More to come on these special events soon.

Tickets will be available starting next week for the films ($8 each) and
the opening ceremony ($15). For this special weekend only, BIG TICKET
passes will NOT be accepted; sorry. However, we will be selling advance
tickets at the box office, and also over-the-phone tickets (with a credit
card, for an additional 50c service fee).

If anyone is interested, we have a few advertising spaces still available
in our printed program (going to press next Wednesday afternoon), as well
as a small number of films that would greatly appreciate sponsorship. We
would also welcome financial donations of any size. If you are interested
in any of these opportunities to support the Maine Film Center and the
Maine International Film Festival, as well as help defray the costs of
bringing these wonderful films to MDI, please contact Chris, Lisa or
Colin, by phone, email, or in person at your earliest convenience.

I will be sending out a listing of the schedule shortly; Right now,
however, you can read descriptions of the films we will be screening on
our website, at under the "Coming Soon" tab.

We look forward to sharing this special event with all of you and hope you
can make some time during the weekend of Sept 11 - 14 to participate in
appreciating a fine selection of worthy films not available otherwise.

See you soon!

Lisa, Chris and Colin

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Monday, August 17, 2009

[Reel Pizza] update Aug 21 - 27

hi everyone

Hope you all are enjoying this high summer weather! If it is getting too
much for you, remember that Reel Pizza is comfortably air-conditioned for
your viewing pleasure, plus you don't have to cook! or clean up!

Please note that the Rock'n'Reel scheduled for Aug 29th has been canceled
due to circumstances beyond our control. Perhaps we can entice Mr. Gage
to reschedule at a later date.

The flowers and produce at the farmer's market have also come into full
summer mode. Stop by our parking lot Wednesday between 9am and 1pm to
check out the fare and support local food.

We have four films coming this next week; both screens will change between
Monday and Tuesday.

see you soon
-Lisa and Chris

Friday - Monday Aug 21 - 24
ICE AGE: DAWN OF THE DINOSAUR (PG) 94min 5:30 and 7:45
THE HANGOVER (R) 99min 6:00 and 8:15

Tuesday - Thurs Aug 25 - 27
UP (PG) 96min 5:30 and 7:45
MOON (R) 97min 6:00 and 8:15

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Friday, August 14, 2009

[Reel Pizza] update

August Running August Running August Running August

It's hard to keep up! Sorry this is a little late.

Here is the next week's events at Reel Pizza, starting today!
Descriptions are below

Fri 8/14 - Thurs 8/20 FUNNY PEOPLE (R) 140min 5:30 and 8:30
Fri 8/14 - Mon 8/17 MY SISTER'S KEEPER (PG-13) 109min 6:00 and 8:15
Tues 8/18 - Thurs 8/20 THE PROPOSAL (PG-13) 107min 6:00 and 8:15

Also SPECIAL PROGRAMMING SATURDAY AUGUST 15th (that's tomorrow) at 2pm
(doors open at 1:30). Please join us to learn about the environmental
youth empowerment work of Somesville summer resident Frances Fremont-Smith
as she presents a wonderful new film about it.

Sat 8/15 THE ROAD AHEAD: The First Green Long March (NR) 52min 2pm
During the preparations for the Olympics in China, the environmental
challenges of this large country were put center stage. The Green Long
March combined the spirit of the Olympics and the energy of youth to
advocate for the environment. Over 2000 students, traveling in groups,
made a powerful statement while spreading their passion for conservation.
This touching film from director Ryan Wong follows three of these
committed students as they attempt to bring about change in this vast and
diverse nation. Somesville summer resident Frances Fremont-Smith, the
executive director of the non-profit Future Generations China, originated
the concept of the Green Long March and developed the idea with her
Chinese partners in Beijing. She will attend the screening of the film
and lead discussion afterwards. Ticket proceeds will be used to help
students participate in global climate actions during "350 Day" on October

Also, an unfortunate scheduling note: Mr. Gage Villere, who was to have
been the featured musician at the Rock'N'Reel on Saturday night Aug 29th
has "flaked out" (his words) and will be unable to attend. Perhaps we
will be able to reschedule.

Fri 8/14 - Thurs 8/20 FUNNY PEOPLE (R) 140min 5:30 and 8:30
George Simmons (Adam Sandler) is a comedy legend with more than a dozen
hit motion pictures and a stellar string of gold records. After hearing
he has a potentially fatal blood disorder, George realizes that regardless
of his fame and fortune, he has no real friends and will likely face his
last few months alone so he forges in unlikely friendship with Ira Wright
(Seth Rogan), a promising young stand-up looking for his big break who
works at the supermarket deli counter. Ira's life changes forever when
George offers him a job as his assistant, and George realizes what is
really important in life,… including the woman who got away.
Writer/director Judd Apatow (The 40-Year-Old Virgin, Knocked Up) has
proved to be one of the funniest filmmakers around. He says, "I'm trying
to make a very serious movie that is twice as funny as my other movies.
Wish me luck!"

Fri 8/14 - Mon 8/17 MY SISTER'S KEEPER (PG-13) 109min 6:00 and 8:15
An excellent cast brings emotionally charged performances to this textured
and powerfully provocative drama about love and healing from
director/screenwriter Nick Cassavetes (The Notebook) adapting Jodi
Picoult's novel. Cameron Diaz and Jason Patric are the parents of three
children, one facing death. New actress Sophia Vassilieva is excellent in
the challenging role of the cancer-stricken middle daughter. Abigail
Breslin is endearing as the youngest child, conceived specifically to be a
body parts donor for her sister to help her live. At age 11 she decides
to seek legal, medical emancipation from her overly focused parents. Alex
Baldwin is the lawyer who advocates for her and Joan Cusack is the judge
in this case who is dealing with her own loss.

Tues 8/18 - Thurs 8/20 THE PROPOSAL (PG-13) 107min 6:00 and 8:15
Sandra Bullock returns to comedy and complements co-star Ryan Reynolds
perfectly in this engaging romantic comedy. She is a high-powered,
city-raised book editor who faces deportation back to her native Canada
after she forgets to renew her green card. With quick thinking at the
immigration office, she announces her engagement to a US National, her
long-suffering, put-upon, and completely unsuspecting office assistant
Andrew. He agrees to play along with the charade, under certain
conditions, but the immigration official is unconvinced, and reminds them
of the penalties if caught in a lie. Despite their precarious
circumstances, the unlikely couple heads to Alaska to meet his parents
(Mary Steenburgen and Craig T. Nelson) at the celebration of the 90th
birthday of his grandma (Betty White).

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Thursday, August 6, 2009

[Reel Pizza] schedule

As promised here is the next schedule which runs from Aug 14 - Sept 3 (!).
Hope you find something that piques your interest, and we look forward to
seeing you soon!

-Lisa and Chris


SPECIAL PROGRAMMING on Saturday August 15th at 2pm
We will be hosting a screening of a wonderful documentary about the first
Green Long March, a youth-oriented movement across China, now in its third
year, educating the public about climate change and the benefits of
conservation. We are honored that the founder of this movement, summer
resident Frances Fremont-Smith, and COA trustee Casey Malinkrodt who also
works with FUTURE GENERATIONS will be present and leading discussion after
the film. You can read more about this special event below, and please
join us next Saturdayafternoon.

THE ROAD AHEAD: The First Green Long March (NR) 52min
During the preparations for the Olympics in China, the environmental
challenges of this large country were put center stage. The Green Long
March combined the spirit of the Olympics and the energy of youth to
advocate for the environment. Over 2000 students, traveling in groups,
made a powerful statement while spreading their passion for conservation.
This touching film from director Ryan Wong follows three of these
committed students as they attempt to bring about change in this vast and
diverse nation. Somesville summer resident Frances Fremont-Smith, the
executive director of the non-profit Future Generations China, originated
the concept of the Green Long March and developed the idea with her
Chinese partners in Beijing. She will attend the screening of the film
and lead discussion afterwards. Ticket proceeds will be used to help
students participate in global climate actions during "350 Day" on October


We will have another unpredictable episode of IMPROVISION on Sunday night
August 16th at 11pm. Join us for wacky fun as the talented crew of
ImprovAcadia re-imagine the sound effects, dialogue and music of a cheesy
grade-B movie they have never seen before, making the whole experience way
more silly than was ever intended originally!

PLUS we have some ROCK'N'REEL coming on Saturday Aug 29th at 11pm. Don't
miss this innovative fusion of silent film with a soundtrack provided by
one of our talented local musicians, this week, multi-instrumentalist Mr.
Gage Villere. His music, accompanying a series of abstract, hand-painted
films, brings exceptional, exciting new life to an underappreciated film


And our regularly booked films follow:

Friday August 14 - Monday Aug 17
An excellent cast brings emotionally charged performances to this textured
and powerfully provocative drama about love and healing from
director/screenwriter Nick Cassavetes (The Notebook) adapting Jodi
Picoult's novel. Cameron Diaz and Jason Patric are the parents of three
children, one facing death. New actress Sophia Vassilieva is excellent in
the challenging role of the cancer-stricken middle daughter. Abigail
Breslin is endearing as the youngest child, conceived specifically to be a
body parts donor for her sister to help her live. At age 11 she decides
to seek legal, medical emancipation from her overly focused parents. Alex
Baldwin is the lawyer who advocates for her and Joan Cusack is the judge
in this case who is dealing with her own loss.

Tues Aug 18 - Thurs Aug 20
Sandra Bullock returns to comedy and complements co-star Ryan Reynolds
perfectly in this engaging romantic comedy. She is a high-powered,
city-raised book editor who faces deportation back to her native Canada
after she forgets to renew her green card. With quick thinking at the
immigration office, she announces her engagement to a US National, her
long-suffering, put-upon, and completely unsuspecting office assistant
Andrew. He agrees to play along with the charade, under certain
conditions, but the immigration official is unconvinced, and reminds them
of the penalties if caught in a lie. Despite their precarious
circumstances, the unlikely couple heads to Alaska to meet his parents
(Mary Steenburgen and Craig T. Nelson) at the celebration of the 90th
birthday of his grandma (Betty White).


Fri Aug 21 - Mon Aug 24
Director Todd Phillips (Old School) has made an outrageous buddy story and
detective yarn, a profanely raunchy comedy that has proved to be the hit
of the summer. The story follows three groomsmen who take their groom on
a bachelor's overnight to Vegas before the wedding. They wake up the next
morning remembering nothing of the night before but, their groom has gone
missing. Plus there's a baby in the closet, and a snarling tiger in the
bathroom, one of them has a missing tooth, another a hospital bracelet,
and the claim check they give the hotel valet delivers them a police car.
Quickly, with pounding heads they must backtrack and recreate the previous
night's events in hopes of finding their groom in time for the wedding in
Los Angeles. It is twisted, clever, and must see.

Tues Aug 25 - Thurs Aug 27
MOON (R) 97min
This tantalizing and mesmerizing science fiction stars Sam Rockwell as a
near-future astronaut, coming to the end of a three year solitary stint on
the moon where his mission has been to mind the mining of an energy source
which powers the Earth for an industrial corporation. His only companion
is a robotic computer (voiced by Kevin Spacey) and the only thing keeping
him sane is the knowledge that he will be reunited with his wife and young
child soon. But after an accident in the rover in which he is injured,
nothing is the same. This thoughtful, intelligent feature debut from
British commercials director Duncan Jones (son of David Bowie) raises both
ethical and emotional questions with potency and excitement.


Fri Aug 28 - Mon Aug 31
CHÉRI (R) 92min
Director Stephen Frears (The Queen, High Fidelity), screenwriter
Christopher Hampton and actress Michelle Pfeiffer, previous collaborators
on Dangerous Liaisons, reunite for this deliciously lush and amusingly
witty romantic period drama. Based on a pair of novels by French author
Colette and set in the luxuriousness of pre-WWI Paris, it is the story of
the unsuspected romance between Léa, a beautiful, retired courtesan
(Pfeiffer) and the son of her arch rival (Kathy Bates), the brooding and
naïve young man Chéri (Rupert Friend. After they have been together six
years, his mother secretly arranges a marriage for him to a young innocent
girl (Felicity Jones). As the inevitable moment of parting approaches,
these two lovers come to terms with their imminent separation in
unexpected ways.

Tues Sept 1 - Thurs Sept 3
SÉRAPHINE (NR) 125min [in FRENCH with English subtitles]
Winner of seven French César awards, including best picture and actress,
this remarkable biographical film magically reveals the fine line between
artistic genius and madness. Yolande Moreau (When the Sea Rises) is
captivating as a poor, simple and eccentric housekeeper who toils without
appreciation by day; her free time is spent collecting materials to make
colors, and painting vibrantly intense pictures she believes have been
requested by guardian angels. When her work is discovered by Wilhelm Uhde
(Ulrich Tukur, The Lives of Others) a German art collector who was the
first to buy works by Picasso and Henri Rousseau, a moving and unexpected
relationship develops between the avant-garde dealer and the untrained,
visionary maid. Director Martin Provost's poignant and evocative portrait
of this forgotten painter is a testament to creativity and the resilience
of one woman's spirit.



George Simmons (Adam Sandler) is a comedy legend with more than a dozen
hit motion pictures and a stellar string of gold records. After hearing
he has a potentially fatal blood disorder, George realizes that regardless
of his fame and fortune, he has no real friends and will likely face his
last few months alone so he forges in unlikely friendship with Ira Wright
(Seth Rogan), a promising young stand-up looking for his big break who
works at the supermarket deli counter. Ira's life changes forever when
George offers him a job as his assistant, and George realizes what is
really important in life,… including the woman who got away.
Writer/director Judd Apatow (The 40-Year-Old Virgin, Knocked Up) has
proved to be one of the funniest filmmakers around. He says, "I'm trying
to make a very serious movie that is twice as funny as my other movies.
Wish me luck!"

(500) DAYS OF SUMMER (PG-13) 95min
This inventive and freshly original romance is the feature debut of music
video director Marc Webb working from a witty script from screenwriters
Scott Neustadter and Michael H.Weber. It stars Joseph Gordon Leavitt
(Brick) as unabashedly, romantically smitten Tom, and Zooey Deschanel
(Elf, Yes Man) as the committed to be uncommitted Summer; both young
actors give wonderful, charming performances. The playful, unpredictable
and visually creative film covers the time from when he first lays eyes on
her at their work writing greeting card copy in Los Angeles, until the day
he was finally over her, although not in chronological order.

Based on the best-selling book by Audrey Niffenberger, this romantic drama
tells the story of a love that transcends time. Clare (Rachel McAdams,
The Notebook) feels she has loved Chicago librarian Henry (Eric Bana, Star
Trek) her entire life and believes they are destined to be together.
However, their relationship is complicated by an accursed genetic disorder
he suffers from that causes him to travel through time at random moments
of his life and he can vanish for long periods of time without warning.
Through it all they try to build a lasting life together, despite the

JULIE & JULIA (PG-13) 123min
Based on a true story, New Yorker Julie Powell (Amy Adams), a government
secretary, spices up her life when she decides to master the art of French
cooking just as her idol, Julia Child (Meryl Streep), did 40 years
earlier. Though she has no expertise, Powell challenges herself to cook
every single recipe in Child legendary bible of French cuisine. With her
great love of food and the guiding words of the world renowned chef to
inspire her, Powell tackles all 524 recipes in just 365 days, chronicling
her experiences as she takes on each new culinary challenge. As she takes
Child's lessons to heart and hearth, Powell uses her immersion in the
world of traditional French cooking as a catalyst to transform her own


Coming next schedule?
In the Loop
Paper Heart
The Hurt Locker
ME International Film Festival -- more info soon on this exciting event
coming in September.


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[Reel Pizza] update

happy summer (finally) to all!

This is what is happening at Reel Pizza this coming week. The next full
schedule of films will be arriving in your inbox shortly.

tonight is the last night for Johnny Depp in PUBLIC ENEMIES (R) at 5:30
and 8:30. It is also the last night for the provocative and informative
documentary on food production FOOD, INC. (PG) at 6:00 and 8:00. You will
really want to eat fresh and local once you have seen this well-made and
hopeful but scary film!

There is no "week-long" film this week. Both screens are split, so both
sides change titles on Tuesday.

See you soon!

Starting Friday Aug 7 through Monday Aug 10 we have 2 films.
AWAY WE GO (R) at 6:00 and 8:15

and BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND (although this is most likely its last run here
at Reel Pizza):

The two films playing from Tues Aug 11 - Thurs Aug 13 are
GOODBYE SOLO (NR) at 5:30 and 7:30
BRUNO (R) at 6:00 and 8:00.

Below are the film's descriptions.
Fri - Mon Aug 7 - 10
AWAY WE GO (R) 98min
This richly funny and heartfelt film follows the enlightening journey of
an expectant couple (TV actors John Krasinski, The Office, and Maya
Rudolph, SNL) who are feeling uprooted and are seeking the perfect place
to raise their impending child. They travel the US, visiting old friends
(Allison Janney and Maggie Gyllenhaal, both hilarious) and relatives
(including Catherine O'Hara and Jeff Daniels) searching for a place to
call home on their own terms. Academy Award-winning director Sam Mendes
(American Beauty, Revolutionary Road) has loosened up with this comic and
poignant colloquial road story of discovery about people you might

Friday Aug 7 - Monday Aug 10
In the sixth installment of the popular fantasy adventure series, the dark
force of Lord Voldemort is gaining strength in both the Muggle and
wizarding worlds, and Harry thinks it may be lurking in Hogwarts castle
too (what is Draco Malfoy up to, anyway?). But Headmaster Dumbledore is
more concerned with teaching Harry all he knows while trying to unlock the
Dark Lord's defenses. This includes learning a crucial memory of
Professor Slughorn, the new Potions teacher. Meanwhile Harry has been
made captain of the Quidditch team, and love is in the air for Harry and
Ron, while Hermione staunchly refuses to reveal her simmering jealousy.

Tues - Thurs Aug 11 - 13
This third film from independent American-Iranian filmmaker Ramin Bahrani
(Man Push Cart) is a touching and uplifting slice of immigrant life story.
It traces the brief but life-changing friendship between two completely
different personalities, a crusty white Southerner and an extroverted,
warm-hearted Senegalese taxidriver. They meet when the gregarious Solo
gives the taciturn old man a ride home one night, and the man asks if he
will drive him to a desolate mountain top in two weeks time and leave him.
Solo spend the next fortnight trying to re-engage his new friend back
into the world with his pregnant wife and pre-teen step daughter, with
unexpected results. Roger Ebert calls this "a great American film.
Wherever you live, when this film opens, it will be the best film in

Tues Aug 11 - Thurs Aug 13
BRÜNO (R) 83min
After the success of BORAT: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit
Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan, Sacha Baron Cohen hilariously brings
another of his provocative alter egos from Da Ali G Show to the big
screen. Again with his trademark stinging dose of sociopolitical satire,
he impersonates a flamboyantly gay Austrian fashionista traveling through
America and films his incendiary interactions with a wide variety of
people to highlight the absurdities of the fashion industry and the
prejudices against gays.

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